Again, I didn't do a 'before' picture, but here is a little more progress: The coat closet.
you can't tell how bad this was except by the sagging middle of the top
shelf. It's still sagging because of the weight of so much there for
so long. But I can tell a difference. And I'm feeling good. The top
shelf was packed with 'stuff', the coats were crammed in so tight you
had to fight to get one out. The floor beneath the coats used to be
lined with things. Now there are still more coats here than the two of
us will probably wear in the next three years, but it's much better.
All that is on the floor is Lucy's dog food, the leaf to the table in
the family room and a folding chair. I've put two boxes in the car of
things to take to Salvation Army or Goodwill, taken a whole lot out in
the trash, and I'm making progress.
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