Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Music and me.

Life is strange.  Hmmm.  That was the title of a really bad song and (thank heavens) I haven't heard it for a long, long time.  It was also strange to log onto this blog and find that it had 58 views yesterday.  THAT was strange, since I haven't posted anything to either this blog or any of my others in at least a year.

I did do something a little whacko this past week.  I decided since I was probably never going to blog often enough or about anything anyone was terribly interested in, I would grab most of my posts from various places and put them in one place:  this one, to be exact, since this is the title of the blog I would create if I were going to blog regularly about things I cared about. 

So the posts on these pages are from random blogs I've participated in with others about varying things.  And now I'm going to use this blog as kind of a diary.

No, you are NOT going to hear all my secrets.  But you are going to hear about the things I care about and cuss about and celebrate  And if you're looking for a blog about just writing...or just political stuff...or about wonderful recipes, or...whatever.  Don't look here.  I will try to tag things with tags that will help anyone who stumbles on it the chance to sort out the things they might be interested in from the things they definitely aren't. 

And you are going to hear about how I would fix the world if someone would just let me.  (I'm old enough.  I gathered a bit of wisdom along the way.  I COULD get it going in the right direction, anyway.) 

And you are going to hear about writing.  And books. 

And you are going to hear music.

Music has always been a passion of mine, but I kind of quit doing more than just listening when I started writing.  (I also quit doing crafts about the same time.  I have learned that having a creative personality forces you to do something creative from time to time or you feel half alive.  Crafts, music, a wide variety of things filled that hole until I found writing.)  But back to music...

Music has become essential to me again.  I don't have to make it myself anymore, (and can't, if truth be told.  Without at least a little practice, you kind of lose the ability.) but I can't let a day go by without getting a fix of some.  So I am going to share some of the music that makes my heart hurt or soar or expresses exactly how I feel on certain days.

And this is my song to you for today.  I wish this for so many people I love and care about.  (I guess I really wish it for everyone in the world.  Wouldn't it be a nice place if everyone had exactly this?)

Rascal Flatts: My Wish

I hadn't heard this in a while and Pandora played it for me.  I realized I had to share.  And it kind of broke my heart that I couldn't tell the person (Libby Piotrowicz) who had posted this version/video on You Tube that I thought she did a spectacular job of finding exactly the right images to capture the heart of the song.  I'm not exactly techno whiz, but I'm not especially techno challenged either. YouTUBE just expected me to sign in before I could post and it kept signing me in as my husband or daughter.  When I'd put my own sign in name in, it would tell me that someone already had that user name (yeah, probably me!) and I couldn't use it.  I didn't have all day to waste, if you know what I mean.

Anyone who knows me knows I love words.  Add some magical music and the words become even better.  Add images that perfectly reflect the music and you suddenly have something awe inspiring.  That's how I feel about this video and this song.  And it is perfect to start a brand new year and a brand new mindset about a blog I suspect no one will ever see or read.

And that's okay with me.  When I'm gone, someone may find it...and there will be a record of what I thought about life, liberty and the pursuit of a writing career, among other things.  And it is going to bring me joy!

Joy to you.  Now listen to the song (and watch) and you'll know exactly what I wish for you!

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